Animal Care & Equine

Hands on working with animals has been proven to release hormones that reduce anxiety and depression. At Keane Futures we give our young people opportunities to develop their skills in animal care and equine care, for therapeutic reasons and the education aspect.

We are proud to have on our team 3 guinea pigs and 1 horse, called Eddie. We also run ‘bring your dog to the centre’ days, and other forms of engagement with our furry friends to teach young people about the responsibility and empathy that comes with animal and equine care.

What is animal and equine care?

These sessions may include:

  • Animal nutrition

  • Animal psychology

  • Animal physiology

  • Animal habits

  • Animal instincts

  • Animal grooming

  • Animal health care


The CPD accredited course allows young people to explore animal care as a protentional option for their future career. Working both hands on and theoretically, developing an understanding of animal psychology and behaviour, and how to ensure good nutrition and animal health care.

The Unit Award Scheme (UAS) is a unique way to record learner achievement. Its ‘can do’ approach is used to boost student confidence, engagement and motivation.

